Emily Beeson
(425) 209-8216
Parent/Caregiver Mental Health
Addiction/Substance Use
A Bit About Emily
Emily Beeson is a person-centered therapist who takes an individual, holistic approach to provide
tailored care specific to each client’s unique needs. She considers it a privilege to connect with others,
create safety and structure for healing, and witness the personal growth of her clients.
A counselor for six years and an LGBTQ ally, Emily has a variety of specialties and practice areas: parents and caregivers; individuals facing addiction challenges; depression; anxiety; and body image. In addition to assessments, group therapy, and individual counseling, she also specializes in re-engaging with clients who have left treatment pre-emptively.
Emily earned her master’s degree in clinical and rehabilitation counseling from Thomas University. She
traveled extensively following graduation, studying nutrition and teaching yoga, and believes in health at every size. She is a Level One IFS Therapist; trained through the IFS Institute.
When she is not supporting her clients, you are likely to find Emily out for a long-distance run, reading a book, or adventuring with her kids.